# Markdown Renderer Markdown Renderer is a very simple HTTP server written in Go. It renders Markdown documents retrieved from another (specified) HTTP server into HTML. Markdown Renderer uses package [`github.com/knieriem/markdown`](https://github.com/knieriem/markdown) to render Markdown documents. It can apply a CSS with the output HTML. You can write your own CSS, or download one from the Internet, like [this](http://kevinburke.bitbucket.org/markdowncss/). ### A Use Case: Render Markdown Documents in SVN This is a real use case, and the one that motivated me to write Markdown Renderer. In our company, we have an SVN server, on which our code and documents reside. We would like to be able to browse our documents from the Web browser, in particular, we want those documents in Markdown syntax being renderred to HTML. However, the SVN server is not smart enough to render Markdown documents; more than that, it does not even recognizes file types of documents and returns all documents with `Content-Type: text/plain` anyway. This inspires me to set up an Nginx server, which `proxy_pass`es all requests to the SVN server, and set the correct `Content-Type` by the file extension name of corresponding document. This can be done using the `more_set_headers` directive provided by Nginx module [`HttpHeadersMoreModule`](http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpHeadersMoreModule). Any example Nginx configuration should be like this: server { location ~ \.docx$ { more_set_headers application/msword; } location ~ \.xlsx$ { more_set_headers application/vnd.ms-excel; } } However, this module is not able to render Markdown text into HTML. Indeed, I cannot find an Nginx module that can do this. I tried to write one by my own; however, had I digged into this work could I realise what a pain it is to write an Nginx filter module! This made me to resort to an alternative way, to write a separate HTTP server, instead of an Nginx module. Thus comes Markdown Renderer. With Markdown Renderer, a new `location` line can be added to above example configuration: location ~ \.md$ { proxy_pass http://localhost:8002; } where `localhost:8002` is supposed to be the Markdown Renderer server started with proper command line flags set. For example: ./markdown-renderer -addr=:8002 -data="http://svn-server:9006 -css="/markdown.css" where `svn-server:9006` is just a replaceholder; you should change it to your SVN or document server. ### Play with Markdown Renderer The `nginx.conf` attached with this project configures two Nginx virtual servers: the document-type-recognizer server as described in above use case, and one that mimics the SVN/document server. The recognizer server listens on `localhost:8001`, the Markdown Renderer server listens on `localhost:8002`, and the fake SVN server listens on `localhost:8003`. They work in a chain: |browser|----|:8001|----(.md files)----|:8002|----|:8003| \---(other docs)-------------/ If you want to setup this configuration on your computer and play with it, these are the steps: 1. Checkout and build Markdown Renderer: export ~/Projects/markdown-renderer cd ~/Projects go get github.com/wangkuiyi/markdown-renderer 1. Download, build and install Nginx. 1. Make Nginx use the configuration file provided with Markdown Renderer. cd /usr/local/nginx/conf # suppose that Nginx was installed here. mv nginx.conf nginx.conf.bak # backup the configuration file. ln -s ~/Projects/markdown-renderer/src/github.com/wangkuiyi/markdown-renderer/nginx.conf 1. (Optional) Edit `nginx.conf` to specify the document root directory to be where Markdown Renderer source code is. location / { root /Users/wangyi/Projects/markdown-renderer/src/github.com/wangkuiyi/markdown-renderer; } 1. Start Nginx. /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx 1. Build and start Markdown Renderer cd ~/Projects/markdown-renderer/src/github.com/wangkuiyi/markdown-renderer go install ~/Projects/markdown-renderer/bin/markdown-renderer 1. Direct your Web browser to `http://localhost:8001` and you should see the `README.md` file renderred into HTML. ### Trouble Shooting Markdown Renderer requires that the Markdown filename matches the regular expression `^/([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\.md$)`.