
105 lines
2.3 KiB

package markdown
import (
// for each pair of .text/.html files in the given subdirectory
// of `./tests' compare the expected html output with
// the output of Parser.Markdown.
func runDirTests(dir string, opt *Extensions, t *testing.T) {
dirPath := filepath.Join("tests", dir)
f, err := os.Open(dirPath)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
names, err := f.Readdirnames(-1)
if err != nil {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fHTML := ToHTML(&buf)
fGroff := ToGroffMM(&buf)
p := NewParser(opt)
for _, name := range names {
if filepath.Ext(name) != ".text" {
if err = compareOutput(&buf, fHTML, ".html", filepath.Join(dirPath, name), p); err != nil {
if err = compareOutput(&buf, fGroff, ".mm", filepath.Join(dirPath, name), p); err != nil {
// Compare the output of the C-based peg-markdown, which
// is, for each test, available in either a .html or a .mm file accompanying
// the .text file, with the output of this package's Markdown processor.
func compareOutput(w *bytes.Buffer, f Formatter, ext string, textPath string, p *Parser) (err error) {
var bOrig bytes.Buffer
r, err := os.Open(textPath)
if err != nil {
defer r.Close()
p.Markdown(r, f)
// replace .text extension by `ext'
base := textPath[:len(textPath)-len(".text")]
refPath := base + ext
r, err = os.Open(refPath)
if err != nil {
defer r.Close()
if bytes.Compare(bOrig.Bytes(), w.Bytes()) != 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("test %q failed", refPath)
func TestMarkdown103(t *testing.T) {
runDirTests("md1.0.3", nil, t)
func TestMarkdownIssues(t *testing.T) {
runDirTests("issues", &Extensions{Notes: true}, t)
// This test will make the test run fail with a
// message like "Buffer not empty" under the
// following condition:
// There exists an unprocessed, remaining portion of the
// input buffer after the previous parser call, which
// consists only of whitespace.
// This whitespace should have been ignored, but, due to
// a bug, hasn't.
func TestTrailingWhitespaceBug(t *testing.T) {
const input = `* foo
# bar
* baz
var buf bytes.Buffer
p := NewParser(nil)
p.Markdown(strings.NewReader(input), ToHTML(&buf))