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Universal portable mode enabler
IDE subdirectory is needed.
.PARAMETER Directory
Current '$dir' of application
Persist directory of application
param([Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $Directory, [Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $Persist)
$properties = Join-Path 'IDE' 'bin\'
if (!(Join-Path $Persist $properties | Test-Path)) {
Write-Host "File $properties does not exists. Creating." -ForegroundColor 'Yellow'
$fullProp = Join-Path $Directory $properties
$currentForward = (Split-Path $Directory | Join-Path -ChildPath 'current') -replace '\\', '/'
$profileDir = "$currentForward/profile"
$CONT = Get-Content $fullProp
# Set portable configuration
$CONT = $CONT -replace '^#\s*(idea.config.path=).*$', "`$1$profileDir/config"
$CONT = $CONT -replace '^#\s*(idea.system.path=).*$', "`$1$profileDir/system"
$CONT = $CONT -replace '^#\s*(idea.plugins.path=).*$', '$1${idea.config.path}/plugins'
$CONT = $CONT -replace '^#\s*(idea.log.path=).*$', '$1${idea.system.path}/log'
Set-Content -LiteralPath $fullProp -Value $CONT -Encoding 'Ascii' -Force